The U.S. Agency for International Development has been closed down by the Trump team.Those who believe such aid can be an important tool for countering the immense influence operations of China, Qatar, and others working against our interests have always faced widespread public sentiment that our money would be better spent at home. Now, they must contend with growing evidence that USAID was a massive political slush fund for various radical leftist causes abroad and even here.Revelations that the agency, for example, underwrote a left-wing domestic media outlet, Politico, celebrities’ visits to support Ukraine’s president, “Woke” indoctrination, and feeding Hezbollah argue powerfully for a complete reboot.If assistance that can be an important foreign policy tool suffers enduring harm, the blame will rest squarely with those responsible for such abuses – like Biden’s “radical lunatic” former AID Director, Samantha Power.This is Frank Gaffney.
The last real effective US foreign aid program was the Marshall Plan. They paid Germans to rebuild their own country. How does kicking out all Palestinian people out of their homeland help? Why not hire them to rebuild their country? Make a resort if you want. That is a fine idea, but you have a defeated people ready to work in rebuilding their country. Why not use them? They will not have time to elect Hamas as leaders while their lives will have hope again. Do it with private funds since the up side to the project is so high. USAID is just a tool of Soros to funnel money into our enemies' hands, though some small part of it may be good. Our foreign policy has been a series of toppling governments only to place worse dictators in office (Castro, Noriega, Hussein, etc.). Let's change ineffective, destructive foreign policy for useful helpful foreign policy. We need to fight China and Russia on other levels. We just have to ban all imports from China and they will be done. Russia is vulnerable after almost three years on a "2-week" siege. Maybe working smart is something worth trying.
Totally agree!
The last real effective US foreign aid program was the Marshall Plan. They paid Germans to rebuild their own country. How does kicking out all Palestinian people out of their homeland help? Why not hire them to rebuild their country? Make a resort if you want. That is a fine idea, but you have a defeated people ready to work in rebuilding their country. Why not use them? They will not have time to elect Hamas as leaders while their lives will have hope again. Do it with private funds since the up side to the project is so high. USAID is just a tool of Soros to funnel money into our enemies' hands, though some small part of it may be good. Our foreign policy has been a series of toppling governments only to place worse dictators in office (Castro, Noriega, Hussein, etc.). Let's change ineffective, destructive foreign policy for useful helpful foreign policy. We need to fight China and Russia on other levels. We just have to ban all imports from China and they will be done. Russia is vulnerable after almost three years on a "2-week" siege. Maybe working smart is something worth trying.