Dr. David Wurmser and I discussed what the Biden legacy is going to be in foreign policy. And it ain't what he's talking about at the State Department today, that's for sure. But one particularly unsavory aspect of it is the systematic betrayal, albeit stealthily, of Israel by Biden and company and the more dangerous Middle East that has resulted from that misbegotten policy and the effort to embrace, empower, and embolden Iran in which this president has engaged assiduously.
Sir, stand for the fear Humanity of the world's.
Surreal to listen to this after the Whitcoff/Trump betrayal….I am sickened physically and spiritually.
A trio of CluelessUselessNeverTrumpers©️ and W.H.O. Knew IT©️MAGA™️KnewAbout IntrusiveTech©️to collect ourpersonaldata